Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I haven't posted again for a few days.

My diet seems to be going really well! I can finally tell a difference in how my clothes fit. Not a moment too soon - it's really encouraged me to continue on.

I hate Sallie Mae. Just throwing that out there.

Brooke and I are both feeling so much better. I feel almost completely back to normal, and Brooke is cut down to 3-4 breathing treatments a day. She is allowed to sleep all night now without us getting up to give her a treatment! She's eating normally and, of course, playing constantly.

I'm so looking forward to this weekend. Friday, I think I'll work a 1/2 day - we have a client coming in the morning to have a will done, so I think I'll leave right after that. Then, Saturday we're planning on taking Brooke to the Miami Seaquarium for their Easter celebration, and the Easter Bunny visits on Sunday!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still sick

Brooke and I are both STILL sick. I started amoxicillin last night, thanks to my wonderful sister. My head is in so much pain and I can barely swallow - I needed something, and my regular dr told me to "take more vitamin C." Maybe Vitamin C helps some things, but when I've felt sick for over a week and can't swallow, it's time for antibiotics.

We took B back to the pediatrician on Friday. Her oxygen level was down to 94, so they sent us to Baptist Children's Hospital for a chest x-ray. B was an ANGEL - I held her hands above her head and Jim held her feet since she was kicking so much - but she laid still and didn't cry at all. I felt bad for her, though. No pneumonia, thank God, so she was able to come home. We had to give her nebulizer treatments every 2-3 hours over the weekend, then take her back to the dr on Monday. Now, we're able to spread out to every 4 hours, and there's a second medicine she gets twice a day. Hopefully this works. She's also on Cefdinir for a double ear infection. My poor, sweet little baby :(

Over Easter weekend, we're going to go to the Seaquarium. I can't wait!

I'm going this weekend to get fitted for my bridemaid's gown for Becky's wedding. I'm really looking forward to our trip in August - getting to see friends/family and celebrate B's first birthday!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Brooke and I are both sick. My stuffy head thing that I have has gotten worse - my ears feel like I'm constantly underwater and there's pressure in my sinuses. I think I'm going to call the dr today.

Being sick has worked wonders for my diet. I'm eating my regular meals, just small portions. The past few days, I've only had yogurt for breakfast. Not the healthiest approach, I suppose, but all I can stomach right now. I'm going to call my dr today.

Brooke's cough is coming back AGAIN. It's been happening everytime she starts teething worse. Then, she's diagnosed with Bronchiolitis. This time, she hadn't even stopped the nebulizer treatments. I need it to go away, I hate it when my baby girl is sick :( At least she's going back for her follow-up with the pediatrician today anyway!

Last night I was changing Brooke's diaper, and I started shaking the plastic bag so I could throw it away. She laughed, hysterically, for a good 5 minutes. It was so great to hear, and it's always so much fun to play with her. Who ever thought a WalMart bag could be so funny?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2!

It's quite a while after my original goal, but I'm finally going to post each day, at least this week - and hopefully more after that.

My diet has been going pretty well this week. I haven't been feeling that great, so I haven't had much of an appetite. I can't hear out of my left ear, and my head is stuffy. Now, it hurts to swallow. It's some kind of weird thing, but I really just want to get some sleep!

Brooke had her Easter pictures taken last night. They turned out so cute! She smiled and waved at the camera. I had a hard time picking out the pictures I wanted, and I can't wait to get them back on March 26!

She's starting to try to figure out to crawl. When she's on her back, she somehow scooches down so she moves in the direction of her feet. Just moments ago, she raised herself up on her hands and knees for just a split second. I don't think it will be long. She's now babbling dadadadada and gagagaga and yayayaya and lalalala...everything but mamamama so far.

Lots more to say, but Brooke decided she's not happy on the floor.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Starting again

So, obviously, I'm not that great at this whole blogging thing. But, I think it could help, so I'm going to give it another shot.

Brooke is getting so big! Last time we weighed her (which was a few weeks ago!), she was about 18 lbs 4 oz. Our scale at home is always a little off. She now sits up completely unsupported....if we sit her there. She hasn't figured out how to get in that position by herself yet. She's (still) teething but none have come through yet. She can support herself for a minute or so on her legs if we hold her to balance, and she loves to bounce when she's standing! She loves food and loves to eat, especially her Gerber Puffs! She drinks from a sippy cup when we're holding it, and she loves to ride in the cart when we're shopping.

We're going to have a big couple of months coming up. My sister-in-law and her family are coming down in early May. Then, right before my birthday, my parents are coming to visit for a long weekend. THEN We're going to PA at the end of July/early August for my best friend's wedding. I'm in the wedding, so we decided to make it our vacation and have Brooke's party up there so some of our families can be there. I'm so excited about the trip!

Brooke's party will be 1st Birthday baby Sesame Street themed. We have the decorations picked out and we know where we'll get the cake from. SUPER EXCITING!