Yesterday was Brooke's 2 year well visit. First and foremost, her lungs are completely clear of any and all signs of pneumonia - you know I was happy to hear that!
Brooke is currently weighing 30 lbs (85th percentile) and is 35.5 inches tall (87 percentile). How did my little peanut get so big??? (For my own comparison, my nephew Thad - who is 11 months older than Brooke - is around 35 lbs and 39 inches - she's catching him!!)
When I started naming off all of the things Brooke does/knows (list to follow), Dr. C was amazed! She said Brooke is doing a lot of what they would expect a 3-4 year old to do! Her take on it was that Brooke is going to have to be tested for a gifted program or attend a Montessori school, where they will let her work on work that is advanced for her age. We'll start researching schools and see how that goes - I am not a fan of "skipping grades" so we'll take it as it comes. For now, we want to make sure that by the time she's starting Kindergarten, we are in an area with a good school system, public or otherwise! Dr. C gave Brooke a Tupperware Shape-O Sorter to help challenge her and teach her hexagons, pentagons, etc (guess I need to look up some refreshers on the trust ole' web!)
I think most of this has already been recorded in here, so I apologize if you're hearing it again. But, I want to have a record of what she's doing at this age:
- Knows her ABC's
- Recognizes her name when it's written
- Counts to 10 in English and in Spanish
- Knows most animal sounds
- Sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Sings Row, Row
- Sings If You're Happy and You Know It
- Knows all of her colors
- Knows her "normal" shapes (ie circle, square, rectangle, etc)
- Knows her months & days of the week
- Has amazing problem solving skills (when everyone was visiting, she was having cheerios for breakfast - everyone was doing their own thing, they look over (I was at work) and her cheerios are gone - Brooke shouts "All Gone!" Then they realized that all of the Cheerios were moved into an empty cup nearby - little stinker)
So, at this point, I am looking for age-appropriate activities that will "challenge" her a little more to continue learning - I want her to have this time to just be a kid, but want her to continue using that sweet little brain :-) Suggestions welcome!