Sunday, June 3, 2012

27 weeks

Today I am 27 weeks, or 7 months, pregnant!!  It also marks the beginning of the third trimester.  In just 12 short weeks, I will be going to the hospital to meet Paige.

I have a ton of stuff to get ready - organizing to be done, cleaning, baby stuff to buy, "big sister" class to take Brooke to, etc. etc.  I've been working on it (very) slowly but surely...getting ready for baby sure is a lot of work!!

This pregnancy has been rough on me.  I'm still having a lot of morning sickness and taking Zofran to try to combat it.....sleep is difficult and very uncomfortable.  I have only gained about 1 lb though, which is amazing, and Paige is growing exactly the way she should be!

My biggest craving?  Blueberry banana nut oatmeal from McDonald's.  Seriously, I can't get enough.  The strange part about that is normally I don't like oatmeal at all.....

Today I started sewing a crib sheet - I decided to try making my own this time around.  With the fabric I had picked, it's not saving me much any money, but it sure is fun and exciting to pick out my own fabrics!!  I can't wait to start purchasing the few big items we need and finish getting everything organized.

Brooke has been doing great with the potty!!  Just before Memorial Day, she apparently decided she was done with Pull-Ups ... she hasn't been wearing them at school or at home and no accidents!!  I haven't taken her to a store, etc., without a pullup on because she doesn't tell me when she needs to go (she just does it) so I want to be sure we're ready for it before I push.  So far, so good though!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

We're back!!

I feel like I've been away forever!  I always say I'm going to make more time for blogging, but it never seems to happen.

May is an extremely busy, and fun!, month for us.  First we celebrate Mother's Day, then my birthday, and then our anniversary.  Not to mention all of the birthdays in our family (my sister, gram, and our nephew, plus a couple of my cousins!).  May is like one long celebration, and I love it.

In exactly 2 months from today, my baby girl will be 3.  It's hard to believe!!  She is the most brilliant little girl I've ever known, and beautiful and so funny at the same time.  She's so loving and will make a wonderful big sister this year.  I've started thinking more about schooling for her when she's big enough for kindergarten (as long as we stay where we're living now, she'll stay in her current daycare for preschool).  Her pediatrician has already told us we will either need to find a full-time gifted program or a good Montessori school - so now it's time to start putting thought into that, for sure.  She counts to 30, knows many songs, the days of the week, the months of the year, recognizes most of her letters, and is trying to learn to write them!  Plus so much more. 

I've heard many stories from her teachers that she gets frustrated when another child is trying to do the puzzles and having trouble - she goes over, takes the pieces away, and does it for them.  She is also the first to identify anything her teachers ask the class to identify.  But, she is still a normal 2-year-old that loves to run, climb, jump, dance - she has real issues with sitting still sometimes!!

We are planning her birthday party at a local water playground - either Ariel or Dora themed, Brooke can't seem to make up her mind!!  I'm wondering what I'm doing having an outdoor party late in July when I'll be so late in my pregnancy, but it will be so worth it to see Brooke having fun with her friends.

We are expecting our second Princess, Paige Nicole, on August 27th!  That's the date of my scheduled C-section and we are all thrilled!  Brooke loves shopping for "baby sister."  She is a great helper in preparing for the baby. This pregnancy has been rough on me and as much as I am looking forward to the pregnancy ending and meeting Paige, I hope she stays put until Aug. 27 since we have plans with family to be here.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

MIA Blogger

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I blogged!  I keep telling myself I'll get better at it, and I never do.

Everyone knows the news by now - we're expecting baby #2!  I'm due September 2, 2012, but will have a repeat C-section at least a week early.  We are thrilled, and Brooke is so excited to be a big sister!! 

In the past month, we've had lots of fun!  My sister visited earlier in the month, and then one of my best friends (and sorority sister and Brooke's godmother!) visited at the end of February.  We had a blast with both of them, and we took both of them to Lion Country Safari, which was so much fun!!

My cousin's little girl Addison is having more symptoms with her DIPG (brain tumor) which she was diagnosed with almost a year ago.  Please keep her in your prayers/thoughts.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A whole year.....

It's hard for me to believe that a whole year has passed since I did a series of posts dedicated to CHD awareness week.

This year, I haven't had much time or energy to put into doing a series of posts.  But, I do want to point out that the need for CHD awareness continues, and there are many advances being made. 

Check out: for the stories of some of these amazing kids. for some facts about CHD and some amazing advancements that have been made (including in utero intervention to lower the number of babies born with HLHS! Amazing!!)

Also, from last year, you may remember me talking about bills and legislation requiring that all newborns receive pulse ox screening before being discharged from the hospital.  This site will tell you the status of your state.  I'm proud to say Florida has passed its bill, which will go into effect on 10/1/12 (not soon enough in my opinion).

Finally, I want to introduce you to a family whose blog I just stumbled upon today.  Their baby is due next month with HRHS (where the right side of the heart is underdeveloped).  I know they would appreciate all the prayers/positive thoughts they can get being sent their way - please think of them.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy New Year!!!

We had a nice, low-key new year.  We went to dinner at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse (so yummy), went to a local carnival, had wings at a local pub, and finally rung in 2012 from our couch while Brooke slept in her room.  It was a beautiful day with my little family, just the way it should be.

I just know 2012 is going to be an amazing year for us and bring many changes (for the better, of course).  I wish the same for you!!