Monday, April 26, 2010

Rough week....

We've had a bit of a rough go of it the last few days in my house.

Last Wednesday, Brooke woke up about 10 pm crying. Not normal for her, so I rushed upstairs - to find that she had vomited all over herself/crib/carpet. Jim helped me clean it up and give her a bath. Then, being the caring daddy he is, he noticed that she looked like she still had "that taste" in her mouth, and we decided to give her a sip of pedialyte to get rid of it and keep her hydrated.

Wrong choice - she vomited again, all over me and the floor.

Got it cleaned up, finally got her back down around 2 am. I never fell asleep until going on 4 am because I was afraid she would get sick again.

She didn't, and she stayed home with Jim on Thursday - she was fine.

Saturday, I got bit by the stomach flu bug.

And today, Jim is home with it.

For the second time this year.

Brooke still isn't crawling or pulling up to standing. I'm trying not to worry, because I know babies learn these things at their own speed, and since she's "chunky," it'll likely take her longer. All that worry will be replaced with pure joy when she crawls for the first time. And, I think she's getting close - from sitting, she'll lean really far forward and have her belly up off the floor - she starts to rock back and forth REALLY FAST, but her one leg gets stuck underneath her.

I've been kind of down today. I think it's partly the weather (it's miserable) out today and a whole lot of being homesick. I miss my family. It's been too long since I've seen them - I can't wait until Mom and Dad get here in a few weeks! I think I just need to try to get out and do something again soon - Jim and I have opposite schedules so much of the time, that it's taking it's toll. I miss him. I'm excited for this weekend, too - his sister, her husband, and her kids will be here for a few days, so we'll all get to spend some time together.

Plus I'm just getting burned out from my job - I haven't taken a day off just to have one in a while, and I think I need that.

On a more positive note, plans are coming along for Brooke's party! We've picked out the decorations. And I've been inspired by my friend, Liz - I'm going to make the invitations for the party myself. They'll turn out much cuter, and be personalized for my little princess. I bought some baby cookie monster cookie cutters, which I'm going to make and decorate as a snack at the party and a favor for the other kids that will be at the party :-)

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I'm sorry about the "rough week", I know how bad that feels!
    Let me know if you want to get together sometime next week!
