Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stuffi have a lot to say

I have a lot to say. But not a lot of time to say it in. So I'm just going to type, whatever comes out next it is.

Our whole family seems to be feeling better. Brooke still has some congestion but its getting better.

Let's talk about Saturday, shall we? Brooke was cranky getting up from her nap, and Jim left for work. She ate a bigger snack than normal. A little while later she vomited. I dealt with that, and then she fell outside my kitchen and cut her knee just a little. Cleaned that and put a bandaid on it. Then we went upstairs where she promptly dumped the water from her humidifier all. over. the. carpet. I cleaned that up, and it was bedtime....and I've never been more thankful for bedtime!

Dinnertimes just keep getting harder and harder. A while ago, she was almost on ALL table food. Now, at dinnertime, she's starting to refuse more and more and only want babyfood. She doesn't do that at daycare, and I think it's because she doesn't know I give them babyfood, so she eats whatever they give her. She has a big lunch and a decent snack (usually some fruit and some puffs and a bottle), so maybe she's not as hungry at dinner. But it's getting so stressful. I think we'll move her baby food (right now, we keep it on a shelf that she can reach) so she doesn't see it and see if that helps. The only thing I know left to do is stand tough - not give her something else no matter how much she cries. Maybe if I just let her play a little when she starts fussing, she'll get hungry enoucgh to eat whatever it is that I'm trying to feed her....

I think I've settled on Naples for our weekend away. It's a little closer in case Brooke is miserable, and I think the Sesame Street thing is permanent, so maybe we can do it later next year or something (once we see how this road trip goes). I'm hoping to be done with the baby food by then so I don't have to drag all of that along, so we'll see. Note to self: get a hotel room with a fridge so we can buy milk and keep it in there!

Jim told me last week that he's planning a surprise for me but, of course, he won't tell me what it is. The suspense is killing me!

Sorry for any typos, I'm posting this one from my phone!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh meal times in general are a problem for andrea its always a fight and power struggle to get her to eat... by the time were done eating i'm exhausted. :(
