Monday, November 1, 2010

Potty training

I've always thought 15 months old was too early for potty training.  I mean, I know these kids are smart, but can they really understand when you explain to them they need to tell you before they pee that they need to go to the potty?  Some may have words (or signs) for needing to go to the potty, but I've doubted that they have the kind of control over their bodies that is required to be potty trained.  I don't doubt they have communication skills for it, but what I doubt is the actual physical control over their little bladders.  I know some kids are potty training at 18 months old but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that these little bodies change so much in a matter of days, weeks, months.....

But, lately, Brooke's been showing signs that she's ready.  She doesn't tell me ahead of time, but she grabs her diaper 90% of the time when she pees...she goes longer dry and then pees more at one time.  Sometimes, she even wakes up from naps/overnight dry! 

Still, I'm not quite sold on the idea.  I've been thinking of getting a potty and starting to introduce it over Christmas when I have 2 weeks off of work - just introducing, not really doing what I call "hard-core training."

The other day (I think Friday?), Brooke, my parents, and I were downstairs.  She came and laid in front of me and played with her pajama pants until I asked if she wanted them off.  Yes, she nodded. Then she started playing with her diaper.  Do you need a ditey change? I asked.  Yes, she nodded.  I grabbed a diaper and changed her - lo and behold, the diaper was completely filled with pee, only 1.5 hours after I changed her last.

Dr. C agrees that by the holidays, Brooke should be "potty-train-able" and have the communication skills she needs to be successful even at such a young age.  I'm considering starting to introduce the potty when I'm off the week over Thanksgiving, even though I don't expect to do the heavy potty-training until a little older.  I think I just need to introduce the idea soon since she's showing signs of readiness - including nodding yes if I ask if she peed/pooped!

So, all that said, any potty training tips?  Especially when they're going to daycare most days?


  1. Clearly, I have no experience in this area, but I'm just amazed at how smart Brooke is! :) From what I've heard, girls are easier to potty train than boys, and it will certainly make your life easier to have her potty trained before you have more kiddos. Good luck! :)

  2. Lindsay! Keep in mind that Potty Training is really a 3 year old milestone.. and rushing the kids can be very harmful..
    It's great that Brooke gives you clues and such but most kids do that at this age because they're becoming aware of it.. Still their bladders are not trainable at this stage because they simply don't have the cognitive ability to control themselves...
    Olivia was potty trained by 2, because I was really set on having her trained before Gaby came along.. She still had accidents here and there for about 5 months after we go rid of the diapers...
    I think a good age to start is about 20 months or so.. For now you can do "Elimination Communication" as an introduction to the concept.. I still think 15 months is WAY too early for that!

  3. Becky, are you really surprised how smart Brooke is? She is mine, after all! LOL ;-)

    Adri, thanks for the advice! I think 15 months is too early, too - I'm not planning on starting until 17 months. But, her dr agreed that I should start introducing over my Christmas break(I'm off for 2 weeks with her) and see how she does since she is scoring over 18 months on all of their evaulations - nowhere near what I call really "potty training," since I'm still planning on diapers well past that. I just want to introduce what the potty is for - I'll just sit her on when I think she needs to use it (she has some predictable times) - if she goes, great, and if not, that's great too - but she'll get the idea of what the potty is for. Then we'll just see how it's going!
