Friday, January 28, 2011

So frustrated

Tonight was Brooke;s 18-month appointment, and I am so frustrated.

1) She has another ear infection.  She's been clear for about a month, and last week at the ER, she had fluid in her ear but no infection.  She's been on an antibiotic for the last week - and it somehow still got infected.  She has to switch antibiotics and have a follow up on 2/19/11.

2) According to the nurses, she's only 32.5 inches and 24 lbs.  This is frustrating me because at 15 months, she was just over 32 inches and 23 lbs 15 inches.  I KNOW without a doubt that she has grown more than that because the clothes from around her 15 month appointment do not fit - but they will not listen that the numbers are wrong, what do I know, I'm just Mommy!  Instead, the dr. said that it's nothing to worry about at this point, Brooke is probably just "re-adjusting" her height and weight - some kids do this and adjust back down to the curve they were originally on.  I.E., Brooke was on 50% curve for height for a long time, then she went up to 75% for several months, then jumped to 93%.  If she stayed in 93%, she would be over 6 ft when she's an adult!  So she's probably readjusting to 75% or even 50% - and that's nothing to worry about.  But Dr. C. wants to see her in 3 months to check height and weight.

Normally, the re-check wouldn't bother me - but I KNOW their numbers were off.  I weighed her when we got home - she was completely naked - and it said 26 lbs.  As far as the height goes, I think the numbers were off for her 15 month appointment. 

I'm very happy with our pediatric office, and they've taken great care of Brooke.  They're usually very good about listening to me, and they are great at explaining things.  I don't even really mind the taking her back in 3 months.  I just can't help but worry about it, even though I know that there's nothing to worry about.  Does that make any sense??

On the plus side, Brooke is scoring above a 2-year old level in all categories (language, problem solving, gross/fine motor...).  She is doing great!

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