Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 years ago

When I think back on the last 10 years, there are many things I can point to as eye-opening, life-changing events.  Graduating college, moving to law school, losing my grandfather, graduating law school, my wedding, having my first baby...the list really goes on and on. 

And I bet you think this is another post about 9/11.  It's not.  (Of course, I remember exactly where I was, exactly what I was doing...).  In fact, I blocked myself from the images of 9/11 - because I remember and because I didn't want my daughter paying attention - she's only 2, she has plenty of time to learn how this world can be.  And I will never forget.

But, no, something else happened to me 10 years ago that changed my life and rocked my world.  I met my hubby.

On September 16, to be exact.  In the afternoon.  In front of the IUP Hub.  He had on a white t-shirt (of course!) and his Virginia baseball cap.  I had on a lavendar tank top with a long striped cardigan that was lavendar, blue, and green.  Would have been the day before, but his parents took him to dinner for his birthday that day. (See, told you I remember ;-) ).

Sometimes I can't help but wonder what my life would have been like if my mom had grown up in NY, if Dad had taken the job in Philly when I was young, if I hadn't gone to IUP, if Jim had joined the Marines like he'd planned - would my path still have crossed Jim's, would we still be here, in this place, a family of three?  I like to think we would have - that there is that one person you are intended to be with and God will find a way to bring you together.

Regardless, the past 10 years have been filled with ups and downs, good times and bad - here's hoping the next 10 are just as amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post. I've been thinking a lot about 10 years ago because we've reached such a milestone...10 years ago we graduated from high school and began college. It doesn't seem like that long ago, does it?
