Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

I figured I would throw on a quick post before going to bed, while it is still Halloween!

We had a great week and a great weekend!  Brooke had a blast with "Mamaw" and "Paaa" here.  I'm not sure how daycare will go tomorrow since she's basically been home for a week, but we'll work it out.

On Friday, Brooke had her 15 month appointment.  She is 23 lbs 15 oz and 32 and 1/5 inches tall!!!  She's the height of a 19-month old and is in the 93rd percentile for height (65th percentile for weight).  Dr. C is very happy with how she's growing.  She's also scoring VERY advanced and actually doing 85% of the items on the 2 YEAR old questionnaire (I peaked ahead to see what we should work on).  In the past couple of days she's added "up," "hot," "apple juice (a jus)", and "down" to her vocabulary.  She's starting to put words together (usually with dada)...her favorites are Hooray dada! and Hi dada!

Friday evening, we went to her school for their "Harvest Night."  Jim and I dressed up too, and we went trick or treating from room to room.  Brooke wasn't too sure of it at first, I think she was worried we were going to leave her there when it was bedtime, but once she realized we were staying, she played and didn't want to leave.  She got lots of candy!

Saturday morning, my parents had to leave (boo!), and Jim and I took Boroke to the Seaquarium for the Monster Splash.  She wore her costume, but we didn't realize the Halloween events didn't really start until about we spent all day.  Brooke LOVED the dolphins (pictures coming soon - her face was priceless!) and got more "loot" when the trick or treating finally started.  We ended the night with dinner at Sir Pizza.

Today, we just relaxed at home.  Brooke had McDonald's chicken nuggets for the first time and loved them (yay!  meat she'll actually eat!). 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This week is quite an eventful one!

Monday, I had a trial in a case which I spent almost a week focusing solely on preparations for!  It went well, and I am thankful that it is over and that we were successful for our client!

My parents are here this week, which is always so much fun!  They got here about 2 pm on Sunday.  Brooke warmed up to them quickly and waved bye bye to me as I left for work Monday and she stayed with them. She came to daycare yesterday and is home the rest of the week!  I can tell they are having fun with her, even if Brooke refuses to say Ma-maw!  They cannot get over how smart my girl is....just since they've been here, she's learned to say toes, thank you (dannnnd uuuu), and she's learned where her legs, hands, and fingers are!

Last night Brooke tried on her costume for my parents (pictures coming soon!).  She holds her pumpkin out when we say "trick or treat!" so I think Halloween will be a blast this year!

Friday, we have Brooke's 15 month appointment...I am anxious to see how big she has gotten and am praying that her ear infections are cleared (I am not sure because she's still playing with her ears when tired)....  Then, we're going to head out for dinner and come to Harvest Night at the daycare.  Basically, the kids go trick-or-treating from room to room to get candy and play games.  Jim and I are looking for costumes because they encourage parents to dress up as well!

Then, either Saturday or Sunday, we plan to take Brooke to the Monster Splash at the Seaquarium...which is going to be such a fun day! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just trying out the mobile posting!

15 months (tomorrow)!

I cannot believe tomorrow marks 15 months from when Brooke was born. Seriously, 15 months ago, I looked like a house (I was so huge!)

I am so proud of my baby girl and think (hope, anyway) that Jim and I are doing a good job raising her.

She amazes me everyday with how much she learns. She's such a sponge! She LOVES books. Most nights, her toys don't even get disturbed, because she wants to read books (over and over and over again). She tries to sing "If you're happy and you know it" in the car, tries to do the hand movements for the "itsy bitsy spider," and she can point to her: eyes, ears, hair, head, nose, mouth, tongue, toes, and belly button! She walks almost exclusively now (still crawls if she's really tired) and loves climbing the steps! She knows how to flush the toilet (haha). She prefers to feed herself, with or without utensils (I'm learning to let go). She knows the number 1, whether it's "one bite," "how old are you?" or we're counting. She definitely has a mind of her own and is very independent - she refuses to let me brush her hair these days! She loves to brush her teeth (with a little assistance). She nods her head yes and shakes her head no, and she answers when I ask if she's ready for bed or needs a diaper change.

She's talking up a storm too! Newer words (some may overlap because I never remember what I blog): Elmmmm (Elmo), Abby (Abby Cadabby), Pa (Pap) all her old words. She also jabbers a lot where we have no idea what she is saying, but she has the sweetest. voice. ever.

In 3 more months, she will be one and a half years old. That's all....3 months. Time flies by. Everyone always said that, but I feel like I've blinked once since she was born and here we are. And yet, I can tell you every single milestone I've seen her reach for the first time - the first time she crawled (only one I missed!), first time she rolled, first steps, first word, first bath.....I swear they all just happened yesterday.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I love weekends. In fact, I live for my weekends.

Not just because it's days off work. Because, really, no matter how stressed out I get, I do like my job....sometimes I wish it were a different area of the law, closer to home, better paying, etc, etc....but who doesn't think that about their job?

No, I live for weekends because of this:

During the week, with work and the commute, I only get to see her a few hours a day - and that's filled with eating and diaper-chahnging, with only maybe an hour of good play-time.
Weekends, though, are ours.
Yesterday, we stayed home and played while Jim worked. And, yes, weekends are better if he's with us the whole time, but it's just a fact of life that he can't be.
After he got home, we went to the mall that's super close to us. Like, we could walk, but we don't because who wants to carry all those goodies home? Yesterday, I wish we had walked....part of K. Drive was shut down because of an accident. When we got there, part of the mall was packed...turns out LeBron James was there.
When we finally got to the store, we bought Brooke 2 pairs of sneakers from Stride Rite at super sale (and we've been assured they'll fit for 3-4 months). We had dinner at Johnny Rockets and picked our girl up a Christmas dress at Penneys for pictures.
Brooke has been doing well with her medicine this time. Not spitting it everywhere, although it takes a lot of coaxing before she takes it. She does, however, have a very painful diaper rash since she got the shot of antibiotics...we're taking care of that with warm washcloths instead of wipes and Triple Paste..hoping it clears up soon!
This morning, Brooke slept until 10 am! She woke up with a low fever (100.9). She's been drooling, so I'm guessing this is teething. Motrin brought it down, and now she's napping. When Jim gets home, it's time for grocery shopping.
Dr. Castro suggested hiding Brooke's veggies until she starts eating them better, pureeing them and mixing them with foods. So I'm thinking of getting the Deceptively Delicious cookbook...has anyone used this? Success/failures/suggestions? Brooke will eat veggies whole if they're in tomato sauce, but we can't eat that everyday!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

So sweet.

This morning, when I dropped Brooke off at daycare, a little friend of hers, Arianna, came running over. This is a daily routine - she comes running over yelling "Brookie! Hi, Brookie! Brookie, hi!" Arianna's closer to 2, and she's only in that classroom early in the morning until the teacher for the "Twaddler" room gets there. Today, I leaned down so she and Brooke could say hi - Arianna gave Brooke a hug, and then they held hands and walked to the toys. I wanted to snap a picture, but my camera was in my car (boo!). I'll have to try to catch them on another day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mamaw!

I thought this deserved a much happier post than my last.

Today is my mom's birthday! I cannot wait for her and my dad to get here in just 11 days! We'll surely celebrate that week. I am so close to my mom and miss her so much now that I'm living away! They have done so much for Jim and I, and we appreciate everything more than I can express.

Happy Birthday, Mom! We love you!


Remember baby Joshie I posted about last week? He passed away from a CHD at about 7 weeks old. His mom's blog is

Well, a day or two before he passed away, his parents chose to have him circumcised. He was stable at the time, and doctors assured them it was safe.

Since his passing, his parents have been under attack by anti-circumcision activists (also called "intactivists"). Activists who have gone so far as to call the coronor regarding Joshua's death (against the parents wishes) and have contacted newspapers, making baby Joshua into the face of their fight, etc.

Jim and I had decided when I was pregnant that if it were a boy, he would be circumcised. I can't say I have strong feelings about it one way or the other, but it was our choice. But this post isn't about whether circumcision is right or wrong.....

It's about how unfair , pushy, and downright rude these activists are being. Everyone knows that I'm not shy about my opinions, and when I really believe in a cause, I fight for it with everything I have. But to put a family who just lost their son (and NOT because of the circumcision, but because he had a heart defect, by the way) is JUST TOO MUCH. It is taking it too far. It makes me sick to think of people bullying this baby's parents, who did the best they could and gave their baby the best care they could.

What right do these people have to push their beliefs on this family? And what do they think gives them the right to question how this couple took care of their critically ill child and try to blame his death on their actions? Really, what right do we have to do any of that?

Believing in a cause is commendable, standing up and fighting for that cause is only right. But at what point does it become too much, go too far? I'm not sure where that line is, but it has been way overstepped, in my opinion.

I'll leave it at this: show Joshua's parents some support. His life, and their suffering now, is not about their choice to circumcise. His too-short life was about doing God's work, even if no one understands it right now. His battle was about his heart, not his foreskin.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I always thinks it's lucky when you have the same month, day, and year. I even considered having my wedding on 7-7-07, but we ultimately decided it was too popular and went with a Saturday in May instead (over Memorial Day weekend).

Today, we've just been spending a lazy, hazy day at home. Jim is working 4 pm - midnight, so he's at work, and Brooke has been napping for almost 2.5 hours. When she gets up, I think we'll have her snack and head to Target.

Yesterday was pretty much the same.

Sometimes I just need these quiet weekends at home to refresh myself...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Angels and Heroes

I've blogged a few times about the heart community that I've been following online - the babies born with congenital heart defects. I am so amazed by what medicine can do and by what these little fighters - some only days old - are able to overcome. I feel for the parents - I cannot begin to imagine the devastation when you are told something like your baby has half a heart (or any other CHD), the worry when they are born, the feeling of handing your baby over for open heart surgery, or the hope that they must feel as their little ones recover.

This past week, nine - NINE - members of this heart community suffering from Congenital Heart Defects have passed away. (9 - did you get that? Can you believe it?) They fought as long, and as hard, as their bodies would let them. They were different ages, in different stages of life, and suffered from different CHDs. I've been following the stories of two of them:

Ewan ( was diagnosed in utero with a severe form of Tetralogy of Fallots and other heart conditions (I don't know anything about the heart, so I apologize if I get this wrong); he had surgery and had to be placed on the ECMO machine (full life support) - They tried to bring him off of it a few times, but it was too much for his little body to bear - he was 2 weeks old when he passed away Monday.

Joshua ( was diagnosed in utero with HLHS (only has 1/2 of a functioning heart) - He fought so hard and crashed multiple times, undergoing two open heart surgeries - he lost his fight this morning, at about 7 weeks old.

I know it's so hard to hear about these babies, and my heart breaks (daily) for these families. So why am I writing about it now?

I feel like everyone gives all of their attention to issues like Breast cancer awareness and other cancers. Don't get me wrong, I don't think any attention should be diverted from these issues - but just like people are aware of cancers, people NEED to be aware of CHDs and the effects of them. CHDs need the funding for research just like breast cancer or other diseases.

When I was pregnant, I had my anatomy scan, and I knew there was a possibility something could be wrong, but I never gave a second thought to the baby's heart - after all, we had seen/heard it beating numerous times during our prior visits.

But I'm struggling. It's a different struggle than these "heart moms" face on a daily basis. I'm struggling with how I, as a blessed mother of a heart-healthy daughter, can help bring awareness to the issue. It feels almost like they are in a different "world" because of all they go through when, in reality, we are all mothers fighting to do the best we can for our children - maybe they just have a little more of an "uphill battle" than others.

How can a baby who goes through open heart surgery at such a young age (many at least 3 surgeries by the time they're 2!) be called anything but a hero? And those heroes that lose their battle and return to the Heavenly Father anything but angels?

So, while it's so scary and gut-wrenching to read this stories, I beg you to read a few (Ewan's, Joshie's, or many others I can point you to) - if for no other reason than gaining awareness of the issue. Lives depend on it.

* If you're not ready for stories like Ewan's or Joshua's, I can point you to many, many, many heroes who have undergone the surgeries and are thriving - as well as some who have received a new heart from someone else's angel.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Beautiful Life.

We had a beautiful weekend full of a lot of nothing but family goodness.

Saturday, we went out to dinner. Brooke cut her lip, but it only bled for a second. Then we went shopping and got her Halloween costume (it's nothing too "creative" but oh so cute..and she loves it). Sunday, we went to the "playground" at Tropical Park - I was disappointed there were no swings, but my girl had a blast.

I miss my friends from Bellwood and Indiana, and my family. I have friends here, sure, but it's not the same as those girls that you've known for 10 years + (some for over 20 years!!!!!). The ones who know what I'm thinking before I say it, the ones who know I need to have a really deep, heartfelt chat from taking one glance at me. The ones I can tell anything to. I miss them so much I am getting tired. I need a dose of these people, and I need it fast.

But, when I start to dwell too long on the things I miss, I just have to stop and take a deep breath. My life may not be all flowers and rainbows, and I may not have everyone together in one place - but I am lucky enough to have great friends, a family, that loves me, and the sweetest girl in the world to call my own.

And how much do you want to bet that when Jim and I move away from here, I will post a similar blog about missing my law school friends (who I don't see nearly enough, by the way), my local mommy friends, and the winter warmth?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Field Day and other stuff

Last week, Brooke's daycare had "Field Day." I had expected that it was only for the older kids, but kids as young as the toddler room participated (so all kids 1 year +). Brooke's teacher made them all "jerseys," which said "Todds" on the front and had their name on the back. They said the class did really great, racing toy lawnmowers and playing a "hot potato" type game with a balloon. I'll get to see pictures soon.

The weather this weekend is supposed to be great, so I think we're taking Brooke to the playground at Tropical Park tomorrow. I'm excited! We haven't taken her yet, but I think she'll like the swings and the slides. I wish I knew more about photography because I know that would be a scene for some *magical* photos!

Jim's overnights for next week got changed, so we're hoping he'll still be finishing up overnights the day before Thanksgiving so our weekend trip isn't ruined! Since I'm off the whole week of Thanksgiving and 2 weeks at Christmas, I really can't take any extra time we would have to leave on a Friday evening and come home Sunday, and what kind of "vacation" is that?

Last night, Brooke and I got together with my friend Adriana and her daughters, Olivia and Gaby. We had a great time, as usual! I tend to completely lose track of time talking with Adriana and watching the girls play (when Brooke will finally get off my lap, which is usually after she eats, lol). And Brooke is very thankful for the mac n cheese Adriana offered that saved us from stopping somewhere to buy dinner!

We're still debating on Brooke's Halloween costume, but I know that we're definitely hitting up the Miami Seaquarium for Halloween. I'm so excited! I love the sea lion and dolphin shows, and this will be the first time they've been difference since we started going to the Seaquarium. We haven't been there since Easter, so I'm super excited to go back!