Tuesday, October 19, 2010

15 months (tomorrow)!

I cannot believe tomorrow marks 15 months from when Brooke was born. Seriously, 15 months ago, I looked like a house (I was so huge!)

I am so proud of my baby girl and think (hope, anyway) that Jim and I are doing a good job raising her.

She amazes me everyday with how much she learns. She's such a sponge! She LOVES books. Most nights, her toys don't even get disturbed, because she wants to read books (over and over and over again). She tries to sing "If you're happy and you know it" in the car, tries to do the hand movements for the "itsy bitsy spider," and she can point to her: eyes, ears, hair, head, nose, mouth, tongue, toes, and belly button! She walks almost exclusively now (still crawls if she's really tired) and loves climbing the steps! She knows how to flush the toilet (haha). She prefers to feed herself, with or without utensils (I'm learning to let go). She knows the number 1, whether it's "one bite," "how old are you?" or we're counting. She definitely has a mind of her own and is very independent - she refuses to let me brush her hair these days! She loves to brush her teeth (with a little assistance). She nods her head yes and shakes her head no, and she answers when I ask if she's ready for bed or needs a diaper change.

She's talking up a storm too! Newer words (some may overlap because I never remember what I blog): Elmmmm (Elmo), Abby (Abby Cadabby), Pa (Pap).......plus all her old words. She also jabbers a lot where we have no idea what she is saying, but she has the sweetest. voice. ever.

In 3 more months, she will be one and a half years old. That's all....3 months. Time flies by. Everyone always said that, but I feel like I've blinked once since she was born and here we are. And yet, I can tell you every single milestone I've seen her reach for the first time - the first time she crawled (only one I missed!), first time she rolled, first steps, first word, first bath.....I swear they all just happened yesterday.

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