Sunday, April 10, 2011

Amazing news

I had a quirky blog post planned for today on this weekend's adventure of shoe shopping for my girl.  And they are adventures, let me tell you.

But something far more exciting has happened, and I just have to share.

During congenital heart defect awareness week, I linked you to some kids' stories that have truly touched me.  One of them was Annabelle, who was born with HLHS and had never seen the outside of the hospital.  After having the first of the three planned surgeries (the Norwood), the family found out she was not a candidate for the second surgery (the Glenn) and she was listed on the transplant list.

Yesterday, Annabelle received her heart.

It is amazing to me that they can do heart transplants in children that young (small) - she isn't even a year old yet.  My heart breaks for the donor's family - I cannot imagine losing my child at that young age, let alone donating their heart.  But it is truly a miracle for Annabelle, who will hopefully recover quickly and be able to go home with her parents and three older sisters for the very first time in the next couple of months.

Please keep Annabelle and her angel donor family in your prayers, that they would both heal quickly.

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