Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6 years....

I have been gone for what seems like forever - I know I haven't posted about the rest of our vacation or what's been going on since.  But, this has been weighing on my mind the past several days.

I find it unbelievable that is has now officially been 6 years since Jim and I packed up our whole lives to make the move to South Florida.  In mid-June 2005, we sold most of our belongings and all of Jim's furniture, packed what we could in his car & my brother's Explorer, and made the move to South Miami.  No jobs, no income, nothing except the knowledge that at the end of August 2005, I would be enrolled in law school.

Now looking back at it, what were we thinking?!?!?  I cannot fathom moving to one of the most expensive places in the country without any income.  Maybe it's just because now we're older and we have a child (I can't even say baby anymore - sad).

But, lately, I've had a longing to pick up and leave.  We've been talking for a while about moving back up north, although we're not exactly sure where yet - while I'm not willing to pick up and move without having a source of income already set up, I want to - so bad.  Our goal is to move in 2012.

For now, we're going to settle for moving into our 3-bedroom apartment for a year and concentrate on saving money, Jim getting established in his new position at Walgreens, and hammering out any details....

1 comment:

  1. You know, we DO have a Walgreens here now..........
