Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It's been a while since I blogged, but getting ready for the holidays can be stressful and so busy!  We had a great visit with my sister last weeked (who went home with pneumonia) and a great first week of vacation.

Brooke had a great Christmas.  Santa came and was very, very, very good to her.  She got a flip out sofa, Winnie the Pooh ride on, my first dollhouse, bath baby, baby Belle, stuffed animals, books, a Barney DVD, Elmopalooza DVD, MegaBlocks, clothes, snacks....and more...just from Santa!  That's not even counting everything aunts/uncles, godmother, and grandparents got her.  I love Christmas, but now I'm anxious to get my tree down and get her toys all organized - she still plays with all her old toys, so we have to keep them out plus her new toys. 

Brooke's favorite new toys are her ride on train, her Disney Princess flip out sofa, her baby Belle, and her Sesame Street singing pop up toy from Mamaw & Pap.

I had a great Christmas, too....I got lots of books that I've been wanting, some movies, and my parents got Jim and I a Wii.

Now, we have one more week of vacation to celebrate New Years.  New Years Eve is a very bittersweet day for me (that's a whole post of its own), but I'm very glad Jim works early and will be with us for midnight.

I hope everyone else had a great holiday, too.  Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys had a nice Christmas (and that Santa was so good to Brooke!).

    OOOH, and I started a new blog on I'm focusing mostly on cooking on this one, but I'm keeping my LJ open for much more personal entries that I only want to share with friends.
