Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still sick

Brooke and I are both STILL sick. I started amoxicillin last night, thanks to my wonderful sister. My head is in so much pain and I can barely swallow - I needed something, and my regular dr told me to "take more vitamin C." Maybe Vitamin C helps some things, but when I've felt sick for over a week and can't swallow, it's time for antibiotics.

We took B back to the pediatrician on Friday. Her oxygen level was down to 94, so they sent us to Baptist Children's Hospital for a chest x-ray. B was an ANGEL - I held her hands above her head and Jim held her feet since she was kicking so much - but she laid still and didn't cry at all. I felt bad for her, though. No pneumonia, thank God, so she was able to come home. We had to give her nebulizer treatments every 2-3 hours over the weekend, then take her back to the dr on Monday. Now, we're able to spread out to every 4 hours, and there's a second medicine she gets twice a day. Hopefully this works. She's also on Cefdinir for a double ear infection. My poor, sweet little baby :(

Over Easter weekend, we're going to go to the Seaquarium. I can't wait!

I'm going this weekend to get fitted for my bridemaid's gown for Becky's wedding. I'm really looking forward to our trip in August - getting to see friends/family and celebrate B's first birthday!!!!!!

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