Wednesday, March 23, 2011

20 months!

I'm a few days late on this, but Brooke is officially 20 months old.  I find it hard to believe she's going to be 2 in just 4 months!

We're making big plans for her birthday.  Instead of a party, we're doing a lunch with Elmo and friends at Busch Gardens, Tampa, when we're there in early June - complete with reserved seating, a personalized cake for our girl, and the characters wishing her happy birthday!  Then, in July, we'll do cupcakes at school, and a "family" party at home - she'll also be getting baptized around her 2nd birthday.

Her personality develops more and more.  She is so sweet most of the time.  She is VERY talkative, and a definite blabbermouth!  Each day when I pick her up from daycare, she tells me all about her day - usually focusing on which children got in trouble for what (Riley and Averi most often, ha).  The day of Lilly's birthday, she told me "Lilly's mama, Cake."  She loves to show me around her classroom and show me the decorations, etc.  She'll tell me what she wants to eat and drink (usually "cheese" and "apple jus"). 

She loves to run and loves, loves, loves to be outside!  She still loves books.  She loves Skype-ing with my parents, and she'll ask for it specifically. She likes puppies, but she's a little scared of them at the same time.  She likes to pick her own clothes (she picks the top/dress, and I get out the bottoms that match).

She's still on the Xylitol for the ear infection study and so far, so good - no ear infections since the last one cleared up in early February.  Thank God!  Hopefully we've dodged the tubes bullet.

She is getting very funny, too.  On Sunday, she was on the couch.  She was laying her head on a pillow and wanted me to lay mine down, too.  She handed me a pillow and started yelling, Mommy, lay your head down! lay head down! Lay head DOWN! while she was hitting the pillow - what can I say?  My girl knows what she wants.

On Saturday, she was really tired (we were out past her bedtime).  She was asking for us to sing her songs - and she asked us to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spid-ah round and round."  Then she looked at me like, wait a minute, what did I just say? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! She is just so cute! :) Congratulations on losing another 3 pounds!
