Tuesday, April 20, 2010

9 months

Today, my baby is 9 months old!

I play this game with myself every months - 9 months ago, at this time (9:30 am), I was just getting my epidural and was only 1 cm dilated...my water had been broken for almost 4 hours (it broke at 5:45 am). 9 months ago at 1:00-ish (the exact timeline after I got my epidural is a blur), I was still only 2 cm and we were told that Brooke's heart rate was decelerating right after some contractions and that, to be on the safe side, we should have a C-section to avoid needing an emergency C-section later in the day. 9 months ago, at 2:07 pm, the greatest gift of my life was born.

At 9 months, Brooke is:

- Sitting unassisted
- Saying mamama, dadada, bababa, gagaga, papapa, hi!, a-boom.....
- Is starting to have stranger anxiety :(
- Loves to feed herself & can hold her own sippy cup, although she normally still needs help tipping it.
- Starting to try to figure out how to crawl, although she prefers to scoot while she's on her butt these days :-)
- Loves to hold Mommy's fingers for balance & stand & bounce.

In just 3 months, she will be a year old!

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