Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Brooke!

My little princess is 1 year old! Her appointment is on Thursday, so we'll know her stats then. She's now standing and cruising, and she loves to play. She has the sweetest laugh and is just the most cuddly little thing.

So, back to her birth story....I had contractions ALL NIGHT. I would try to get into bed but be really uncomfortable. So, at about 5:30 am my new nurse promised she would help me get into bed and lay on my side and find Brooke's heart rate. I got into bed, and as I was moving to my side, I felt a huge gush. My water broke at 5:45 am. The Cervidil was still in, I was so excited - until I found out I was only 1 cm.

Once my water broke, the contractions got more intense. When my dr got there at about 9 am, I was still only 2 cm dilated. I got my epidural and was finally able to get some rest. Time passed and is a blur to me. The nurse kept putting the oxygen on me, but I couldn't stand to have it on. Around 1 pm or a little after, one side started to wear off, so I was given a little more medicine through my epidural. I was still only 2 cm dilated, and Brooke was starting to have delayed decelerations - Dr. Miranda said she didn't like the contractions, she was trying to move away from them, and her heartrate was decelerating after contractions every once in a while. She said since I had so far to go (I was on a high dose of Pitocin, but my contractions were coming every 2-7 minutes - super random), she thought it would be better to have a C-section so that I didn't end up needing an emergency C-section later in the day. I was sad, because I wanted to have a natural labor, and very scared, but all I care is that Brooke was born, safe and healthy.

She gave us some time to call our families, then I was prepped for surgery. I was given a different mix of my epidural drugs to completely numb me for surgery. When I was in the OR, I started vomiting - I don't know if it was all the drugs, the smell, the nerves - or a combo of all of it. I completely relaxed as soon as I heard Brooke cry. She was born at 2:07 pm weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and 18.75 inches long.

We had an uneventful time in the hospital, despite having trouble nursing. I am so grateful to Dr. Miranda, who safely delivered my baby girl and took steps to keep her healthy before we were in an emergency situation. I have told Jim that she is delivering our next baby, even if we move to Broward County.

Dr. Miranda holding Brooke at 1 day old.

A couple of more pictures (what a difference!):

Brooke at 2 days old, getting ready for her hospital pictures.

Brooke at 1 year old.

Loving Tigger (notice her monkey in the background, she loves Monkeys).

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