Friday, September 24, 2010

Illness and stuff.

Jim took Brooke to the pediatrician yesterday. When they weighed her, she weighed 24 lbs! Of course, that was with her shoes, clothes, and diaper on, so we'll see what she is at the end of October when she goes for her 15-month appointment.

The dr wasn't too concerned about Brooke's congestion, although they said to call if she gets worse and we can use saline in her nebulizer to help her clear it out. Otherwise, just keep doing what we were doing - elevating the head of the mattress, using the humidifier, etc.

Turns out, Brooke has ANOTHER double ear infection. She's back on an antibiotic. The left ear is worse this time, because that's the ear that still had some fluid after her last ear infection (she was checked on Thursday 9/9 and the infection was gone but fluid still there, she started with the stuffy nose on Mon 9/13). The dr said we'll have to watch her - if she starts getting a lot of infections back-to-back, we'll have to start thinking about tubes. I do NOT want to go there - I had them as a child, and I have problems with my hearing to this day.

As for my diet, it's going OK. Day 1 was great - stayed within my calories and exercised (didn't have to stop too often!). Day 2 was OK - I stayed within my calories, but couldn't do the Shred. I started getting whatever Jim had, and I keep getting worse. Even sitting still, I'm having to use my inhaler more often than normal because of the tightness/congestion in my chest - the last thing I wanted to do was do the video and give myself an asthma attack (I have exercise induced asthma and haven't ever had a full-blown asthma attack - I didn't want to have to take my sick daughter to the ER with me for the first one!). I'm feeling even worse today, so we'll see what I end up doing - I don't know whether to count these as days of the Shred or maybe say well, I only did one day, I'll start after the congestion has worked its way out and I can do the whole 30 days. That feels like the cheaters way out....

Last night was the Pitt/UM game. It was fun to watch since Jim is a Pitt fan! UM won, 31-3. I get to pick our first real "road trip" as a family, which we will take next time he does the overnights at work (probably around Thanksgiving). I'm thinking either Naples or Tampa - but definitely open to suggestions.

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