Monday, September 20, 2010

Walking and 14 months!

So, Brooke has been working on walking for the past month. She would go a few steps and then fall. Until this weekend, she was having trouble standing up without holding onto something...she would lean either to far forward or too far back.

That has all changed! She now prefers walking over crawling. She still has the "drunken sailor" swagger and falls a lot, but she can walk from in front of my couch to the door!

Today, my baby is 14 months old. In just 10 months, she will be 2...I cannot believe it!

She's starting to talk up a storm. I can't remember what I have blogged about her saying, so here are some of my favorites: Ma-Maw (Grandma), Lello (Yellow), Nish (Nice), Bah-baye (bye bye), hoooorah (hooray), Mama ;-), dat (that), dant oo (thank you). She's also now nodding "yes" and "no" and will answer a question..usually honestly ;-) She climbs up the stairs at lightening fast speed, and she knows when I tell her it's time for a bath that she needs to climb the stairs, turn the corner, and go down the hall.

It's amazing how much they learn is such a short amount of time! I look back on when Brooke was even 8 or 9 months old, right before she started crawling, and I was so excited when she would sit up on her own. Now she's starting to walk and talk! Where did my little baby go?

On Sunday, I started the 30 day shred...I'm really serious about the diet this time! My arms, abs, and legs are so sore. If I lose at least 15 lbs in the 30 days, I am going to buy myself an organizer for all of my scrapbooking stuff. I used to be so "crafty," always scrapbooking, sewing, etc., and I miss doing that. I'm excited, and it helps to have a goal (I hope).

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