Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This n That

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!

I'm back at work now, and it is still so terrible to try to hear. I thought I was hearing better today, because I could hear my radio in my car, but I cannot hear anything but the click clickety click of my keyboard as I type - I might as well turn the radio in my office off since I can't hear it anyway.

Brooke had a rough morning when I dropped her off today - it is very unusual for her to cry, I guess it's just because she was home for 4 days in a row.

Brooke is really starting to walk now! Yesterday, she kept doing the thing she does constantly where she takes 4-6 steps and then leans too far forward and falls down. But, when Sesame Street came on in the morning, she walked across my living room. The. Whole. Way. Because she wanted to get a close up view of Elmo on our gigantic tv. Thank God she didn't fall forward into the tv stand, because Jim and I were frozen, watching in amazement as she toddled closer saying "Bel-bo! Bel-bo!"

She's starting to talk a little more - now, instead of "baabaa" for bottle, she will say "baa-dl" and separate the two syllables just like that.

Jim and I are thinking of downsizing to a 2 bedroom apartment (instead of our townhouse) to try to save some money - we're both really wanting to move out of Miami (and probably out of Florida) in the next couple of years. We just have to figure out if it's feasible to move right now (why is moving so expensive), even if we stay in the same apartment complex. I am leaning towards yes - but while Jim was all for it at first, as soon as he had me convinced, he changed his mind to a no. (And I thought I was bad at making decisions!)

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