Thursday, August 26, 2010

My poor baby

Apparently, all my posts about my baby girl not eating have a reason!

She's been playing with her ears lately - but no fever, no crying, no real crankiness/fussiness (except when eating veggies!), no nothing. She plays with her ears when she's tired (sticking her fingers inside) and sometimes just to play (she also sticks her fingers in my ears, in my husband's ears, etc....she's fascinated by them), so Jim and I had decided to just watch her and see how it went.

On Saturday, I decided to take her to the dr, but the office was closed. I waited until yesterday (Wednesday) because it's the first day I could leave work early to take her, and I had a couple of other questions for the dr (mostly about eating!) I didn't think it was a big deal to wait, since she didn't seem to be sick and plays with her ears anyway (last time this happened, she was just getting teeth, and she was drooling so I thought I'd be losing $25 anyway!)

Well, turns out, she has a double ear infection. They put her on an antibiotic for 10 days. (She is also getting more teeth, which might have caused the congestion that led to fluid build-up that led to an ear infection....). I feel like an absolutely awful Mommy for not taking her sooner, but it is SO HARD to guess when this child has an ear infection. She doesn't complain about them - I can't wait until she can start to tell me, "Mommy, my ear hurts!"

On a more positive note, Brooke hasn't been sick (and no antibiotics) since APRIL! (You might remember one fever in June, but that was solely due to teething!) The ped was so happy, and so am I!


  1. ughhhh i can definitely relate!! when andrea got so sick that she needed to be hospitalized in july i was attributing her fever to teething since she didn't have a cough or runny nose.. turns out it was a major viral/throat infection!!! i felt terrible!! its so hard to know what they're going through sometimes!!

  2. Linds! I'm sorry Brooke has been sick! I know how hard it is to deal with those things! Hope he gets better soon!
