Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to the pediatrician....

I have always hated the old saying "When it rains, it pours." Just because it's raining doesn't mean it's going to pour - there are varying amounts of rain, ie sprinkling, etc. Why do we have to quantify it anyway? Why can't it just be raining?

The past week, it's been pouring in my house. First, Brooke's double ear infection. Then, her strange reaction to the antibiotic.

The pedi said what's going on with Brooke is not a reaction to the antibiotic (I'm not convinced). She slept a little better last night, but was still up about 5 times between 9:30 pm and 5 am (something she didn't even do as a newborn!)

Last night, I barely slept at all because my ears were hurting SO BAD. I finally fell asleep a little after 3 am, and when I woke up this morning at 6 am, there is liquidy stuff coming out of my right ear.

Nonetheless, I got ready and was on my way to work when I hear Brooke sneezing and coughing - she's forward facing now so I turn around in time to see her vomiting all over herself and the carseat :(

She's at daycare now, but she's going to the pedi this afternoon, and I'm going to my dr as well. Fun day, huh?

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