Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vacation...part 3

I'm going to try to speed up recounting our vacation because I'm sure the details are boring!

On Monday, we went to Delgrosso's Amusement Park with my parents, my sister, and my brother's family. This is a family-friendly park very close to where I grew up - it's free to park and walk around, and they have delicious food and fun rides! First, I put Brooke on the boats with my brother's son Thaddeus (who will be 2 at the end of this month). She didn't like it when I walked away. She did better and clapped as we rode the railroad. But then, we tried the Carousel. She didn't like being on the horse even though I was holding her - so that was it for the rides for her.

We left Brooke with my parents, and Jim and I rode a couple of rides. Then, my niece Jenna started riding the "grown up" rides. She's 3 and a half, and she loves them! The only kiddie land rides she liked were Dizzy Dragons (like the teacups at Disney) and the roller coaster and freefall. She rode Space Odyssey (an indoor ride that goes fast with strobe lights, loud music, and blacklights). She LOVED the Paratroopers (umbrellas that go around/up & down). Her absolute favorite was....drumroll please....Tilt A Whirl! In fact, my brother and his wife were both feeling sick from being on it so much (and she likes to spin A LOT), that it was up to my sister and I to ride with her - aunts to the rescue! It was a lot of fun.

On Tuesday, Jim, Brooke, and I had lunch at Eat n Park with my friend Tammy and her kids, Clara and Daniel. Then, we went with my dad and brother's family to see the Altoona Curve (minor league baseball team) play. Brooke stayed at my grandma's with her and my mom, and they had a blast! She fell asleep in the car on the way home and slept all night. Yay!

Wednesday has some funny stories, so I'll save it for tomorrow. Preview: professional pictures with three kinds under the age of 3.5 years old! :-)

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