Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Potty training (don't read if you don't want to hear about bodily functions...)

The time is really here - time to work on potty training!

I started "training" Brooke around Thanksgiving when she first started showing interest in the potty - at that time, she said pee, poop, and potty, although it was usually after she was finished.  Nonetheless, she would sit on the potty and use it at least once a day.

It's been hard to keep up with it since the daycare doesn't really start until they're 2 unless the kids can tell them they need to use the potty.  We have so many errands every weekend that I don't do it then.

The past couple of weeks have been driving me crazy.  Brooke tells me now "Gotta poop!" but won't poop on the potty (yet).  Once she poops, she will not sit down until the dirty diaper is off.  But she's also asking to get changed every time she pees, no matter how small the amount.  One night over the weekend, I went through 3 diapers in less than 15 minutes.  (1. She was due for a regular change. 2. Literally 2 seconds later, she pooped and had to be changed. 3. About 10 minutes later she peed (just a normal amount, diaper wasn't too heavy) and wanted changed.)

So there you have it.  This weekend is the time.  We are going to spend Saturday and Sunday really trying to get this potty thing started.  It's still hard since I work - I feel like if I were a SAHM, the potty training would be done already because she is so clearly, definitely ready.  She is so over the whole diaper thing - and who can blame her? 

I'm going to let her lead the way.  I think she's ready but if she's not, I'm not pushing.  So far, that's been what I've done with other things (like no longer using the bottle) and she may not do it on my ideal timeline, but she gets there and is happy doing so.

All that said, I will gladly take any advice anyone has to offer.  My goal: get rid of diapers during the day by the time she's 2. 

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