Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bucket List #10 - Become more involved

I know I said I had something special for heart month, but my plans were just too ambitious for a working momma like myself - but I am still using "Heart Month" as the start of my greater involvement.

Feb. 7-14 of every year is designated CHD awareness month.  If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I've been drawn into this world by reading the stories of several amazing, beautiful babies suffering from various CHDs, but most notably HLHS.  I've posted a little about what HLHS is, and I know I've posted a link to information about one of the surgeries. 

But, I've also said time and again, that I believe there is a great need for awareness of CHD and all of the issues that they and their families face - some of which are not always obvious.  So, for each day of CHD awareness week, I will be posting a statistic or information related to a CHD - some taken from an "official" source, some issues that I've surmised these families deal with - and posting about them, along with my thoughts and feelings on the issue.  I'm hoping to have at least one or two of the heart momma's join me and share their views, too, although I know they will all be extremely busy raising awareness themselves.

I hope you'll all join me in learning a little more about CHDs, detection, and how we can help funding and research to make more advancements on behalf of these brave little ones.

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