Thursday, January 20, 2011

18 months

I had a great post planned for tonight about all of the amazing things Brooke is up to these days at 18 months old.  But that's going to have to wait.

For Brooke's 18-month "birthday," she tookd her first trip to the ER.

She's had a cold for almost a week, and she's had some congestion that she was able to clear up by coughing.  Yesterday, she started having a yellow discharge from her eyes.  Today, it all took a nosedive.

She went to the dr for her eyes this morning and had 3 - yes, THREE - nebulizer treatments - and was still satting 97 (which isn't too terrible) and was super congested.  Jim called me and mentioned the words "respiratory distress" and "ER" and I was on the road.

We spent nearly 8 hours in the ER room - Brooke had suctions taken from her nose to check for RSV and a chest x-ray to look for pneumonia (both negative, thank god).  It was tough holding her down for that.  She also received another breathing treatment, shots of antibiotics, and an oral steroid - and had to be observed for several hours to make sure she was good enough to come home.  FInally the dr said she was breathing "beautifully" while calm, and home we came with a slew of meds.

She's now sleeping, and I have to wake her every few hours for a nebulizer treatment.  My poor baby girl - here's hoping it gets knocked out fast :(

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