Friday, January 14, 2011

Strange feeling....

I had a strange feeling this morning when I dropped Brooke off at daycare.  It was happy, proud, and sad, all at the same time.

Now that she's wanting to walk everywhere, I've started letting her walk in/out of school as long as she's holding hands.  (I'm hoping that holding hands there - she does great - will lead to her always hold hands while we're out so that we can avoid a "leash" for her).  I digress.  This morning, she walked in and upon reaching the classroom, let go of my hand and ran to Ms. Negesti - exactly how she normally runs to me when I pick her up.

Happy?  Yes - she obviously loves her school.
Proud? Yes - she's so grown up and running to give Ms. Negesti a hug is such a show of affection.
Sad? Yes - She's my little girl and I can't help but worry that, if she's that attached to her teacher, maybe she spends too much time there (she basically goes on a regular school schedule - even longer.  8:30 am - 5 pm mostly every day - Jim doesn't get to keep her home too much anymore).

Mostly, the happy and proud are winning out - she's grown into such a sweet girl with a big heart. 

I hope the next 5 hours fly by so I can see her running towards me like that ;-)

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